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学生电子作品集, 或ePortfolio, is your own personal online platform that can bridge your academic work and professional development. It is a collection of digital materials that documents student accomplishments, and may include reflections on the learning process and its outcomes. You use an electronic interface similar to a personal web page. It requires students to organize their thoughts and materials, and allows for the presentation and interlinking of various media types, 包括演示, 视频, 还有数字艺术.  It is analogous to an 艺术ist’s physical portfolio, but it is easier to carry and easier to share.  Like a physical portfolio, it should be continuously updated.  

You can use your ePortfolio to present evidence of  your skills, 能力, 的职业目标, 职业兴趣.  例如, 你可以把SMC徽章放在你的电子作品集里, 或者作业,比如论文, 论文, 幻灯片演示, 谷歌的幻灯片, 和视频. An ePortfolio allows you to easily share and connect with teammates, 同行, 教员和潜在雇主.

What’s the difference between a “Student ePortfolio” and just an “ePortfolio?”

For the purposes of this document, “Student ePortfolio” and “ePortfolio” are interchangeable.  There are many types of and purposes f或ePortfolios, but here we’re just talking about student ePortfolios.


An 艺术ifact is any digital asset included in your portfolio, 比如图像, 视频, 图纸, 艺术, 论文, 电子表格, 数据集, 等.  These are most commonly assignments required by the classes in your program. The pages in your ePortfolio site are not themselves “艺术ifacts.”


SMC uses Google Sites for student ePortfolios.  我们建议使用Google Chrome或Firefox, and you should know that Safari does not work for Google Sites.

What are the purposes of the ePortfolio at SMC?

这取决于你的部门, 课程, 或者程序使用它, the purposes of these portfolios can be for formative assessment (assessing the student throughout the learning process), summative assessment (at the end of the program), and for students to introduce themselves to prospective employers or p艺术ners after they have completed a 课程 or program.



From your SMC email page, click the Google Apps Grid, and click Sites.  你可能需要向下滚动到Sites.

How long do I get to keep my SMC ePortfolio?

When you graduate you will 转移 ownership of your SMC ePortfolio into another Google account.  Contact the Service Desk so they can prepare your account. (925) 631-4266 or servicedesk@lgmobilereg.com



How is an ePortfolio different from LinkedIn?

Linkedin是一个专业的社交网站, where you connect with others and list credentials and skills in tables and bullet points.  An ePortfolio is about who you are as a person.  你使用你的图像, 视频, 图纸, and SMC 课程work to show your personality, 情感上的联系.

在一般情况下, best practice is to put a prominent link to your ePortfolio on your Linkedin profile, 虽然选择完全取决于你.  你可能需要咨询 Career and Professional Development 服务.  To add your ePortfolio to your LinkedIn profile, see the LinkedIn support 艺术icle, “在你的个人资料中添加网站.”

Can I keep it private, for example, while I’m working on a new page?

看到 the Google Sites documentation about privacy for sites, pages, and posts.

Will my ePortfolio appear in search engines such as Google?

默认情况下, 事实并非如此, but you can make it public to appear in search engine results If you want to.

How can I prevent others from stealing my work or plagiarizing it?

We suggest that you create PDF’s of important assignments/论文, which helps to keep them from being copied. However, we are in a new era with web publishing.  You many want to explore using Creative Commons licensing for any images work that you want to protect or selectively share.


If a 课程, program, or major requires, then yes; otherwise no.


是的, and when you matriculate you should change ownership of the ePortfolio (and any 艺术ifacts in your SMC Google account) to a personal Google account.  看到 How long to I get to keep my SMC ePortfolio? 以上.

Can I delete/deactivate my SMC ePortfolio?

You can delete your ePortfolio at any time, though best practice is simply make it private instead.  The College will deactivate your SMC account approximately six months after you graduate, 转移, 否则就不再是学生了.  如果你正在休假, be sure your dep艺术ment administrator tells IT 服务 so your account can be left active.


You can change your cover photo in your Profile Settings.

Do I need to put a picture of myself on my ePortfolio?

You are not required to put a photo of yourself.  Best practice in creating a professional ePortfolio is to put a professional photo of oneself.  It is generally advisable not to put a photo of pets or other non-professional images, or to leave it with your initials in the placeholder.


What do I need to know about Google Sites?

You need to have a basic understanding of Google Sites, but not knowledge in depth.  Drop in to, or set up an appointment with someone in, the EdTech Center.

How can I implement ePortfolios in my class?

教育技术 staff supports faculty in using ePortfolios with their classes.

Where can my students get help with ePortfolios?

看到 获得电子投资组合的帮助.