






Moodle, the Learning Management System (LMS) currently in use at Saint Mary’s College of California (SMC), is available for faculty to use as a platform for their teaching 和 learning 活动, 包括技术增强, 混合动力, 或者在线课程. These guidelines help to define some of the roles 和 responsibilities of those who access 和 utilize the LMS.

LMS被认为是课堂的延伸, 和 thus is covered by all policies related to the academic mission of the College, 包括教师和学生手册, 学术荣誉守则, 等.

所有与SMC相关的人员都是教员, 学生, 和 staff administrators who assist faculty with academic work are considered possible users of the LMS, 和 may have access to Moodle using their SMC username 和 password. Guest access is limited to vendors when necessary to complete work or testing in the LMS, 工作完成后撤销.

用户身份验证是通过MySMC门户进行的 http://my.lgmobilereg.com.

Moodle已经 标准的角色 和 Custom Roles that have unique permissions in certain contexts within the LMS. In Moodle, apart from the site administrator, users do not normally have a global, site-wide role. 换句话说, when you are in Moodle you could have a teacher role in the course you instruct, but a student role in another course where you are studying for a degree. 角色重命名也在课程级别上启用, so a ‘老师’ might change ‘学生’ to ‘Learner’ or ‘Non-editing老师’ to ‘TA’. The most commonly used roles/permissions are listed below for reference. Generally we ascribe to the principle of least privilege related to Moodle accounts.




该课程的主要讲师, 谁可以管理和添加内容和活动, 访问和评分学生作业.


Can access course content 和 participate in course 活动, 和 assignments.




Manages the site 和 has global viewing 和 editing capabilities.



In accordance with the Policy of Electronic Information 和 Communications (UPF97-7) 和 Family Educational Rights 和 Privacy Act (FERPA) Guidelines, Moodle课程有密码保护, so that 学生 are meeting in a private online classroom space. 学生s do not have access to other 学生’ personal information, 比如学生证, 成绩, 或者电子邮件地址. 学生可以查看其他学生的显示名称, which appears in 活动 that are participated in within the course.

ITS will engage in an ongoing review of online privacy requirements, including the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679, 使用我们的Moodle托管服务, 以确保最新的安全和隐私标准.

Moodle上的课程是一个教师可以添加内容的区域 资源 和 活动 让他们的学生完成. It might be a simple page with downloadable documents or it might be a complex set of tasks where learning progresses through interaction.  这是关于的官方文件 Moodle的课程.
而Moodle主要是一个学术系统, 它可能偶尔用于非学术目的, 比如委员会工作, 或者业务流程, 经教育科技署署长批准.




学期基础课程是一门正式课程, which belongs to a specific term 和 is recorded in the student information system.


也称为元课程, 结合课程 pull enrollments from 2 or more courses into a single Moodle site. The most common use of combined courses are for cross listed courses, or teachers who have multiple sections of the same course that they would like to merge.


Users may request that courses be created to facilitate committee work, 研究, 或者其他业务流程. Requests can be made by contacting the Service Desk 和 will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Accommodations are h和led through the office of 学生 Disability 服务 (SDS) in an effort to create an equal opportunity to enjoy 和 participate in Saint Mary’s educational programs 和 campus life.
所有学生住宿要求, 包括但不限于注册, 住房, 和 classroom accommodations can be made by filling out the SDS New 学生 Application form at this link. 填写完在线表格上的信息后, 学生 will be contacted by a Coordinator in the SDS office to talk further 和 to process the accommodation request. Should a student have questions,  学生 Disability 服务 can be reached at (925) 631-4358.

The Moodle Online Gradebook is a tool designated for the convenience of 学生 和 faculty. 因此, 它不是学生成绩的官方记录, nor should it be considered a legally binding record of student scores. 期中和期末成绩通过gaelexpress提交. Instructors are strongly encouraged to periodically export a copy of the Moodle Online Gradebook, 并输出最终副本(.CSV),以便在学期结束后进行记录.

Information Technology 服务 (ITS) will maintain Term-based 和 Combined courses (see above) in the LMS for four (4) years from the end of the term the course is taught. 课程 may be deleted from the LMS four (4) years from the end of the course.  The instructor will be notified by email at least 30 days ahead of time.  删除将在每年的12月31日完成.  Custom courses are not affected, they are never removed except by request.
It is recommended that instructors backup their courses at the end of the term in which the course was taught 和 before they are scheduled for deletion by ITS. 保留教学大纲的副本, electronic grade book 和 electronic student work is the sole responsibility of the instructor. Instructors should always download student work or make copies of the grade book prior to removal of material from the course. Instructions on how to archive a course are provided on Moodle itself, 在教师快速入门指南下.  There are a couple of ways to backup your courses, described in 本快速入门指南.
Deleting a course from the LMS permanently removes it from the LMS system. When a course is deleted it is automatically removed from a user’s course list.  

These guidelines will be updated by the Director of 教育技术. 这种审查将每年进行一次,并根据需要在其他时间进行, 更新内容将在教育科技网站公布. Exceptions can be granted by the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) based on specific needs of the College.