教学大纲: Additional Items for 在线 / hybrid courses

教学大纲: Additional Items for 在线 / hybrid courses

教学大纲: Additional Items for 在线 / hybrid courses


Whether your syllabus is more of a contract or more of a learning tool, there are a number of additional items to think about when teaching flipped, 在线, 或混合.  Many of these are also useful in a traditional F2F class.


  教育学 实现

What hardware do students need?  移动PC? Will an iPad be enough? VR Goggles / Google Cardboard?*

While most students come to college with a laptop, more are coming with iPads and/or chromebooks.  Students should use the Chrome browser, not the Moodle app.


What software do students need?  运用通用? SPSS? 视频编辑? 任何智能手机应用程序?*

一般来说, Google’s G Suite for Education is adequate for most assignments.  If there are particular features you need, and you’re not sure if Google supports these, consult the EdTech Center.


Be sure the above technologies are readily obtainable and use current versions.*

Include specific links to any downloadable technologies, including the specific version number and cost.  问 信息技术服务 if the College supports them or has discount licensing agreements.


Provide links to all external tools required for the course.*

If you’re not sure how to get a link to a web page, consult the EdTech Center, 技术条, 或服务台.


多湿的软件啊.e., prerequisite computer skills) do students need? 微软字处理软件?  SPSS? 视频编辑?*

The College now supports Hoonuit 在线 learning modules, or pathways, which cover many computer and document skills.  Consider providing the link directly to required learning tracks.


Prerequisite knowledge in the discipline and/or any required competencies are clearly stated.*

Be sure to include required prerequisites for your class, and citation styles you will be requiring.


How should students contact tech support?*

SMC’s Tech Support is (925) 631-4266, servicedesk@lgmobilereg.com, and physically located in 111 伽利略大厅.


Links to tutorials and/or tip sheets.

指出 Student Quickstart Guides link on the Moodle 首页 page, and the ITS Self-service Portal.


Links to other College 资源s, e.g., discipline pages on the library website.

Tell students the library 主题专家 为了你的纪律.


Introduce to the purpose and structure of the course site.* For example, will assignments be handed in on paper, or uploaded digitally to the course site?*

For digital assignments, use the 赋值 活动.


Course and/or institutional policies with which the learner is expected to comply are clearly stated, or a link to current policies is provided.*

连结至 本科 Student Handbook or the 研究生 Student Handbook, as appropriate.


Clear statement of 在线 etiquette expectations, commonly called “Netiquette.”*

亚利桑那州立大学的 Netiquette guide is a good starting point.


Provide Information about the accessibility of all technologies required in the course.*

Student Disability 服务 is a good place to start.


The syllabus should be accessible to students with disabilities.

Best practice is to use a Moodle 页面 资源.


手机 & laptop policy in F2F classes.

Are students allowed to use laptops or cell phones during F2F class time?  If so, are there any restrictions?

16 Remind students not to videoconference while driving. Don't laugh, it's happened.